Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn
How do you think a person becomes competent?
YES, it is through training. At the core of the training is LEARNING. When learning happens, it translates to its application. Application yields results – Quite a number of times desired, other times springing surprise or pushing us to redefine & realign ourselves. Trainings call in for an investment: Money, yes. But more than that time, energy, space & INVESTING self as an open learner so as to absorb the maximum & assimilate accordingly.
THE QUESTION: ARE YOU READY to push your LIMITS & upgrade your knowledge & skills set? CHALLENGE yourself & condition for all possibilities?
Soilcup invites you to reengineer yourself & your workforce for better productivity.
MEET SHIPRA – Training Consultant for Soilcup.
Shipra is a person known for her commitment, discipline & high integrity. She brings to the table an experience of 25 plus years spread across multiple industries like automotive, pharmaceutical, education, media, retail, banking, oil & gas along with government institutions and corporates alike.
Shipra has spearhead product launches in her leadership, engaged actively in business development along with developing ways for customer centricity. She has the rich experience of executing TNA with the best tools & psychometrics.
A total people person, Shipra transits easily from a friendly coach for college students to a mentor with an eye for detail for top management. Incidentally she has presented a paper on transformational leadership at DMS, IIT Delhi.Empanelled with SSB & MP Police, she regularly brings in the best of training methodologies to our front-end fighters both at the society & at the insurgency zone.
A certified Master Trainer, POSH enabler & e trainer, Shipra also has prestigious certification on marketing management from CIM, U.K.
A YOGA expert with 40 plus years of investment in holistic health, it’s her sheer energy & positivity that ensures the task is done.
Great Attention To Detail
Consider few hypothetical dramatic situations:
- You are a soldier with no weapon & surrounded by 3 enemy soldiers, you have no option but to engage in a one-to-one fight.
- You are a chef & excited as the prime minister has come over for a meal at your hotel.
- You are a customer care executive & daily handle disgruntled & sometimes abusive customers.
- You are a professor who has to teach the same topics each year to a new set of students.
- You are a surgeon who is poised to do one of the toughest & challenging surgeries in human medical history.
5 very different examples from unrelated fields & job profiles. What all is common amongst all these people?
To execute their JOB well, they all need KNOWLEDGE of processes & techniques, SKILLS to execute the processes & techniques, APTITUDE to manifest & understand the processes & techniques & a strong VALUE system that pushes them to stretch in the face of pressure & not cave in. In short, they need to be professionally COMPETENT.